Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Creative Team, Annemarie, for GingerScraps - September Buffet: A Smackerel of Honey, Scraps N Pieces and 2020 Inspiration Challenge

 The GingerScraps Buffet is an All You Can Eat .... or rather Scrap, Buffet. Each month the amazing GingerBread Ladies are given a color palette, and they create delicious goodies for you.

Here is the main link to the Buffet Offerings for every month.  You can then find both present and past Buffet offerings from your favorite designer(s)…..

This is what Scraps N Pieces has to offer:  A Smackerel of Honey which is all about Bees, honey, and the sweetness that life has to offer….

I created this layout with a BIG title which is the focus of this month’s inspiration challenge.

Whats the Buzz

Kit:  A Smackerel of Honey, Scraps N Pieces
Font: Homerun OT1

Challenge here –

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