Sunday, November 1, 2020

Creative Team, Annemarie, for GingerScraps - Buffet - Fall Bucket List, Shepherd Studio, November Days 2, Tinci Designs along with GS 2020 Recipe challenge

 Here is the main link to the Buffet Offerings for every month.  You can then find both present and past Buffet offerings from your favorite designer(s)…..

 Shepherd Studio offers a perfect kit called Bucket List to show off all the fun things that you can do during the Fall season….


I used this kit along with a new template called November Days 2 which helps you scrap an entire series of photos on one page….


I created this layout for a recipe challenge this month which requires you to use certain items in your layout.

 Wasems Fruit Farm in 2015



Template:  November Days 2, Tinci Designs

Kit:  Fall Bucket List Bundle, Shepherd Studio

Font: Sagoe UI Historic and Prager Headlines


Available at




 Challenge -

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