Friday, May 21, 2021

Creative Team, Annemarie, for GingerScraps – Take a Hike Templates, Miss Fish Templates and Nature Trail, Magical Scraps Galore

Nature Trail is a beautiful collection inspired by the great outdoors. Earthy colors combine with fabulous themed embellishments and patterns that are perfect to document your outdoor adventures, whether you are hiking or biking in the wilderness, taking a nature walk, geocaching, or just collecting bugs in your backyard.


I used this awesome nature kit along with a terrific new template set which focuses on hiking and the outdoors….


Biking Adventure



Template:  Take a Hike Templates, Miss Fish Templates

Kit: Nature Trail, Magical Scraps Galore

Font:  Spring is Coming and Vanilla Twilight


Available at

TemplateTake A Hike Templates by Miss Fish (

KitGingerScraps :: Kits :: Nature Trail (page kit)

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