Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Creative Team, Annemarie, for GingerScraps - Buffet - When I Grow Up – Conductor, Wimpychompers and June Memories 2 Tinci Designs

The GingerScraps Buffet is an All You Can Eat .... or rather Scrap, Buffet. Each month the amazing GingerBread Ladies are given a color palette, and they create delicious goodies for you.

 You can mix and match, 'till your hearts content! Think of it like a way to totally customize a Mega Collab, and grab or  "eat" as little or as much as you would like…

 Here is the main link to the Buffet Offerings for every month.  You can then find both present and past Buffet offerings from your favorite designer(s)…..


I used Tinci’s latest template set to create a page showing off the special moments we had on a train with my parents a while back…..


The kit by  Wimpychompers called When I Grow Up – Conductor was a perfect pairing to the photos and the template……It focuses on all things trains…along with cute kiddo elements too.


Hamburg Festival and Railroad Days



Template:  June Memories 2 Tinci Designs

Kit:  When I Grow Up – Conductor, Wimpychompers

Font: Sketch Block, RNS Camelia, and Vanilla Twilight Script

Available at

Template:  GingerScraps :: Templates :: June Memories 2.

Kit:  GingerScraps :: Kits :: When I Grow Up- Conductor

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