Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Creative Team, Annemarie, for GingerScraps - Buffet - Miss Fish KISS – December Buffet Bundle and Woodland Kristmess, Kristmess Designs

Here is the main link to the Buffet Offerings for every month.  You can then find both present and past Buffet offerings from your favorite designer(s)…..

 Showing off Kristmess Designs’ buffet offering here.  This collection is perfect for those beautiful winter landscape scenes.  It's also great for photos of the birds in your winter garden or photos of some great winter fun outdoors, sledding, building a snowman, making snow angels and so much more!


With this kit, I also used a wonderful template from Miss Fish’s latest release called Miss Fish KISS – December Buffet Bundle


The Magic of Winter Snow



Template:  Miss Fish KISS – December Buffet Bundle, Miss Fish Templates (Single Photo Template 1)

Kit: Woodland Kristmess, Kristmess Designs

Font: Migdale Script


Available at

Template:  Miss Fish KISS - December Buffet Bundle (

Kit:  GingerScraps :: Bundled Goodies :: Woodland Kristmess Trio

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