Sunday, January 16, 2022

Creative Team, Annemarie, for GingerScraps – A Glad Day For, CarolW Designs and I Believe, Alexis Design Studio with Coordinating Freebies

 The holidays are over but you still have time to scrap those wonderful festivities and magical moments with this Christmas themed kit by Alexis Design Studio


I used a perfect template called a Glad Day For by CarolW Designs to show off a wonderful moment during a Holiday Sing Concert which occurred a long time ago….


Holiday Sing of 2008



Template:  A Glad Day For, CarolW Designs (Template 1)

Kit: I Believe, Alexis Design Studio

Font: Jayne Print YOFF

 Available at

Template:  A Glad Day For...-Templates (

Kit:  I Believe - Full Page Kit by Alexis Design Studio (

 Here are a couple of coordinating freebies with the kit....

Freebie here:  (11) Alexis Design Studio | Facebook

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