Sunday, March 21, 2021

CT, Annemarie, for GingerScraps – Picture Perfect 222, Aprilisa Designs and Spring Cleaning, HeartMade Scrapbook

Aprilisa Designs has a new template set available called Picture Perfect to show off many photos on one page…


I used the Spring Cleaning release by HeartMade Scrapbook to show off the home improvements and chores done in 2019.

Home Improvements in 2019



Template:  Picture Perfect 222, Aprilisa Designs

Kit: Spring Cleaning, HeartMade Scrapbook

Font: Jayne Print YOFF

 Available at

Template:  GingerScraps :: Templates :: Picture Perfect 222 by AprilisaDesigns

Kit:  It's cleaning time. Housework it never ends! (, It's cleaning time. Housework it never ends! (, It's cleaning time. Housework it never ends! ( and It's cleaning time. Housework it never ends! (

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