Thursday, July 1, 2021

Creative Team, Annemarie, for GingerScraps - Buffet - Magical Memories, Aprilisa Designs

 The GingerScraps Buffet is an All You Can Eat .... or rather Scrap, Buffet. Each month the amazing GingerBread Ladies are given a color palette, and they create delicious goodies for you.

 You can mix and match, 'till your hearts content! Think of it like a way to totally customize a Mega Collab, and grab or  "eat" as little or as much as you would like…

 Here is the main link to the Buffet Offerings for every month.  You can then find both present and past Buffet offerings from your favorite designer(s)…..


Aprilisa used these bright colors to create a magical bundle for all those Disney fans…It is called Magical Memories and it is awesome!


Disney Honorary Family for the Day


Template and Kit: Magical Memories Bundle, Aprilisa Designs

Font: Trebuchet MS

 Available at:

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