Wednesday, July 10, 2013

3rd CU Item Released - Starting a Fire by Pizazz Pixels

Introducing the 3rd in a series of summer CU items which I have designed--Starting a Fire (Lighting/Ignition Options).  Included in this set are 3 types of matches, a match booklet, a container for matches, a lighter, a clicker, and finally a propane tank with the hose.

Now you can start a fire the safe, digital way! :)

Stores where you can purchase this CU/CU4CU/PU/S4O, and SFH item:

My Store at Digi Style Designs

My Store at Heartfelt Perfections

My Store at Wilma4Ever
(This item is specially priced for at least 10% off until the 15th).

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